Publication and bibliography
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CENTRINNO Publications
Referencing the work of others that inspired and influenced our ideas
Amato, D.; Kalathas, G.; Vlachopoulou, C.; Cingolani, F.; Fontana Valenti, C.; Kühr, W.; Armstrong, K.; Diez, T.; Guy, J.C.; Munoz Unceta, P.; Brouwer, N.; Ritter, F. (2021) Creative and productive hubs journal. Deliverable D3.1 CENTRINNO Project.
Burkett, I.; McNeill, J.; Allen, M. (2020) Substation33 Impact Report 2020. Brisbane: The Yunus Centre, Griffith University. Available at:
CENTRINNO project (2020) CENTRINNO Whitepaper. Available at:
Diez, Tomas. 2012. “Personal Fabrication: Fab Labs as Platforms for Citizen-Based Innovation, from Microcontrollers to Cities.” Nexus Network Journal 14:457–468.
Diez, T., Gershenfeld, N., Steels, L., Filippi, P. D., et al. (2018). Fab city: The mass distribution of (almost) everything. Available at:
Diez, T. (2021) “Fab City Strategic Action Plan”. Conference paper at Fab City Summit 2021. Montreal.
European Commission (2020) Grant Agreement number 869595 – CENTRINNO.
Fab City Global Initiative (2014). Fab City Whitepaper: Locally productive, globally connected self-sufficient cities. Retrieved August 04, 2021
Susan S. Fainstein (2014) The just city, International Journal of Urban Sciences, 18:1, 1-18, DOI: 10.1080/12265934.2013.834643
Hill, A.V. (ed.). (2020) Foundries of the Future: a Guide to 21st Century Cities of Making. With contributions by: Ben Croxford, Teresa Domenech, Birgit Hausleitner, Adrian Vickery Hill, Han Meyer, Alexandre Orban, Víctor Muñoz Sanz, Fabio Vanin and Josie Warden. Delft. TU Delft Open, 2020. Retrieved August 06, 2021, from
Jacobs, J. (1961) The death and life of great American cities. Random House, New York
Lave, J.; and Wenger, E. (1991) Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation. Cambridge University Press.
Making Sense Project (2018) Making Sense Toolkit. H2020 Project Final Report and Book.
Mazzucato, M. (2018) Mission-oriented Research & Innovation in the European Union. A problem-solving approach to fuel innovation-led growth. European Commission, Brussels. Available at (August, 2022):
Mazzucato, M. (2019) Governing Missions in the European Union. European Commision, Brussels. Available at (August, 2022):
Munoz Unceta, P.; Diez, T.; Ingemann Henriksen, A.; Nielse, S.; Schulze, C.; Even-Zohar, J.; Dibbits, H.; Ritter, F.; Brower, N.; Olivotto, C.; Cingolani, F.; Fontana, C. (2021) CENTRINNO Framework. CENTRINNO project's deliverable. Available at (October, 2022):
Patel, R., and Moore, J.W. (2017). A History of the World in Seven Cheap Things: A Guide to Capitalism, Nature, and the Future of the Planet. N.p.: University of California Press.
Pazaitis, A.; Singh, A.; Niaros, V. (2022) Evaluation Methodology. CENTRINNO project's deliverable (confidential)
Rana, J., Willemsen, M. and Dibbits, H.C. (2017) “Moved by the tears of others: emotion networking in the heritage sphere”, International Journal of Heritage Studies
Ritter, F., Bieckmann, D., Dibbits, H., Even-Zohar, J., Muñoz Unceta, P., Corbin E., and Streefland, T. (2021) Urban Ecosystem Mapping Guidebook. Deliverable D2.1 CENTRINNO Project.
Robinson, J. (2006) Ordinary Cities. Between Modernity and Development. Routledge. UK
Wippoo, M., Hoekstra, N., van Dijk, D., Muñoz Unceta, P., Guy, J., Ritter, F., Even-Zohar, J., Dibbits, H., Becker, C., and Olivotto, C. (2021) Detailed Pilot Planning & Monitoring Framework. Deliverable D4.1 CENTRINNO Project (confidential).